Sacrificio de amor

​Article in English Esta meditación de Viernes Santo viene de Devocionales 2021, libro de devocionales producido por el Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL). Los devocionales diarios se encuentran también en Facebook Libro Devocional MTAL.   El mismo es la propiciación por nuestros pecados, y no sólo por los nuestros, sino también […]

No face-to-face? Connect in cyberspace!

​Note: To mark the first anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mennonite Mission Network writers sought reflections from global partners, workers and the agency’s Church Relations department. Below is the second in a series of reflections on how the pandemic has invited them to receive God’s grace in pivoting into new ways of doing ministry and […]

Remembering Roberta: Let her legacy live on

​"I can see the hand of God all through my whole life up to this very minute.  I wish to give credit to whom credit is due." — Roberta Anna Morgan Webb Roberta Anna Morgan Webb was born to Goings and Helen Wilder Morgan on January 7, 1889, in the deeply segregated rural farm community of […]

Tending to Jesus — Missional Meditations

Looking at the scriptures with an eye toward mission.​ Joe Sawatzky shares a Missional Meditation titled "Tending to Jesus." It is based on the Revised Common Lectionary  for passion week. Though the twelve failed Jesus in his time of trial, others emerged to lovingly tend to his body.  Mark 14:1-15:47  Thank you for joining us! This was initially […]

Waiting for the Lord?

​What does it mean when the bible says "wait for the Lord?" Executive director Mike Sherrill finds the Japanese translation useful. Machinozomu (待ち望む), the combination of two Japanese characters, means wait and hope. We are not without hope as we walk through the unknown and struggles of this pandemic. Sherrill says that we must trust […]

Knowing by following — Missional Meditations

​Looking at the scriptures with an eye toward mission. Joe Sawatzky shares a Missional Meditation entitled "Knowing by following," based on the Revised Common Lectionary  for March 21, the fifth Sunday in Lent. The desire to know God finds fulfillment in following Jesus—and the invitation to follow is for all people.  Psalm 51:1-12  Jeremiah 31:31-34  Hebrews 5:5-10  […]

The sky is not the limit

​We continue to celebrate Women’s History month in March by taking a look at the achievements of Diana Trujillo. She works as an aerospace engineer working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs, leading the team responsible for the robotic arm on the new Mars Rover, Perseverance.  We often say "the sky’s the limit." Not for her. […]

In our likeness — Missional Meditations

​Looking at the scriptures with an eye toward mission. Joe Sawatzky shares a Missional Meditation entitled "In our likeness," based on the Revised Common Lectionary  for March 14, the fourth Sunday in Lent. God’s healing comes in the likeness of what ails us, and thereby shows God’s great love.  Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22  Numbers 21:4-9  John 3:14-21  Ephesians 2:1-10  Thank you […]

100 words for the first two weeks of Lent

I didn’t realize I had floated into deeper water. Thinking I would walk back to shore, I let go of the inflated inner tube, sinking down until my feet felt the mucky bottom. Not knowing how to swim, I instinctively pushed upward toward sky and breath, raising my arms, sinking again. It was my mother […]

Standing ready for the work of God

​As we continue through Lent, Mike Sherrill reminds us that it is Mission Network’s calling to passionately participate in God’s mission of love across the street and around the world. We stand ready to provide eye-witness testimonies of what God has done. Some days we feel more ready than other days — and Lent provides […]

Volunteer chaplains needed at Nazareth Hospital in Israel

​NEWS RELEASE NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — Imagine yourself as a short-term volunteer chaplain, praying in the middle of the night with a patient at Nazareth (Israel) Hospital. As you relate with Christians, Muslims and Jews, no cultural barrier can dampen the caring shared amid the universal language of suffering. "Rejoice with those who […]

Expand your world through Youth Venture

​News Release Note: Youth Venture, a Christian Service program of Mennonite Mission Network, is planning a roster of three trips for this summer (see below). Depending on COVID-19 pandemic conditions, the trips will be offered either in-person or on virtual platforms. Arloa Bontrager, the Youth Venture director, will monitor the situation and alert participants accordingly. […]