La Red Sent
La Red Sent es un recurso educativo elaborado para reclutar, capacitar y preparar a los plantadores de iglesias para desarrollar su tarea. La Red Sent está organizada en tres etapas independientes: explorar, capacitar y enviar. 1. Explorar 1.1 El llamado Objetivo: examinar su llamado personal a plantar una iglesia o ser partícipe de una […]
Writing a Church Planting Proposal
Every Church Plant should start with a detailed written proposal. Here is an outline for a good proposal. Why start a New Church? How has God called you to plant a church? What is your vision for a new church? Why another church in this community? Why be a part of the sponsoring organization? Who […]
Living in tension
Stories … everybody has one. And everybody’s shoes have a story. One of my favorite ice-breaker discussion prompts to ask a group of people that are convening for the first time is: “Tell me about your shoes.” Where did they come from? Where have you worn them? Why do you keep them? These questions have […]
Serving each other in Paraguay
I was having some thoughts today, thoughts that don’t tend to have much conclusion but run through my mind often. Today seemed a little different though; there were new patterns to the regular course my mind takes, and while I hesitate to say anything was concluded, I think something was realized. The thoughts I am […]
Letting go of the wheel in Alaska
This service year has certainly been one of the most unexpected and life-changing years of my life. I came here with little to no expectations concerning my work or living with new people, but what has occurred over the past seven months or so has been very interesting and has taught me a lot about […]
Back to the basics
God is calling the church to fulfill the Great Commission today! It is pivotal that all believers of Jesus Christ embody Jesus’ last words of commissioning. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the […]
Three things to consider about the Israel-Palestine conflict
The Peace and Justice Support Network is addressing the Israel-Palestine conflict in several ways: helping organize trips to the region through the "Come and See" fund; working with MennoPIN, a grassroots network of Mennonites dedicated to peace for Israel-Palestine; and also working with other partners like Christian Peacemaker Teams and Mennonite Central Committee. The goal […]
A life of service with MVS, SOOP
Growing up in a Mennonite community, we internalized many Bible teachings, personal stories, and service examples. Jane’s parents chose Civilian Public Service; several of Marion’s siblings joined PAX and Mennonite Voluntary Service. We knew they had chosen this, instead of serving military assignments, as a part of their response to Jesus’ example and call. Even […]
Service experiences
MVS was a great stepping stone for me after college. It gave me the opportunity to move to a new place and interact with many different kinds of people who have helped me grow in all aspects of life. Also, it provided me with a wonderful community and support system that I still am a […]
Summer vacation with a purpose
Beyond Ourselves: What made you want to serve with the DOOR program? Alvarez: Summer vacation is supposed to be fun, enjoyable, exciting! But for me, summer meant TV time 24/7 until school started again. The summer before high school, I decided that instead of wasting my life in front of a television screen, I could […]
We came to serve
In November 1985, my husband, 11-month-old daughter, Hannah, and I left Goshen, Ind., for San Antonio, Texas, to begin our Mennonite Voluntary Service term with Mennonite Mission Network. Bryan and I were unit coordinators half-time, and then each of us was placed as a volunteer in two different community organizations for the other half of […]
Service by Jesus’ example
Mennonite Mission Network seeks to recruit people of all ages across the church to serve in the way of Jesus. I am thrilled that we are able to do this. I have no doubt that this is what Jesus calls us to be about—to serve others. I am, however, fully in touch with the challenge […]