Bringing Anabaptist perspectives to Finland’s state-church

Having had his job outsourced in October 2014, Stephen had a special nine-month consultancy contract with his former employer. This helped ease the transition for the organization as they dealt with a new bookkeeping firm, and also provided partial employment for Stephen. The contract ended in the summer, but there has been a trickle of […]

Apply by April 1 for Youth Venture international trips

Apply for Youth Venture

The application deadline for Youth Venture international locations is April 1! We’re not kidding, and here’s why: • Teams are filling up fast! • Tickets need to be bought to get you to these amazing locations! • Visas need to be obtained to get you into these amazing locations! Don’t miss out; apply today using […]

Apply now before the MVS early bird deadline


Apply before March 1 for a wider range of placement and location options! (We will continue to accept applications through June 1 or until all positions have been filled.) It’s one of the busiest and most enjoyable parts of the MVS year. We get to talk to a lot of great people, get to know them a […]

Global bonds of healing and hope


In a world where peace is often shattered, Mennonite Mission Network is forging bonds of Gods healing and hope. Through collaboration with Anabaptist churches, agencies and movements on every continent, ligaments of connection and empowerment in the body of Christ are created. These relationships, shaped by mutual gift-sharing and common passion for mission, help to […]

Research yields riches

Drop in center

When Jackie Wyse-Rhodes researched the strengths of people in a Dutch neighborhood, she never dreamed the “gold” she found would enrich congregations around the world in a curriculum based on her findings.​ ​In the secularized neighborhood in Almere, the Netherlands, it would have been easy for her to uncover deficits in the people who came […]

Praying from South to North

praying together

In former decades, Mennonites in the global North focused their prayers on the missionaries from their own congregations sent to develop new initiatives and churches in the global South. Today, prayers and counsel flow in both directions, and most initiatives begin in the South. ​​ ​For example, during the mission leaders gathering, participants pleaded that […]

Former mission workers share insights about the new Qom Bible

Bible translation

Keith Kingsley: This translation of the entire Bible is a milestone, figuratively and literally. My observations come from 14 years in Argentina, through reading and from conversations with Willi [Horst]. A culture doesn’t move from being oral to literate in one generation. Literacy has both positive and negative impacts, depending on your perspective. Older people […]

The importance of Scripture in worship | Part one

Bible and church

This interview will be presented as part one in a three-part series. Christ Seul: You’ve been interested in worship practices for a long time. What stimulated this interest? Janie Blough: Back in the days when the Mennonites in Paris ministered through a hostel for foreign students, I led worship. I asked myself, “If the importance […]

Touring Seattle through MVS placements

Seattle generally has a thick encompassing grayness hanging overhead. Lately though, a different sight has been seen when looking skyward: blue skies. Along with these illusive blue skies have been some incredible sunsets as well. I feel as though Midwesterners, like me, know a thing or two about sunsets (as that is often the only […]

Paint my spirit (not my success) gold

Service Adventure Anchorage Alaska

I continuously find myself drawn to Lake Hood, the world’s largest float plane base. An easy eight-mile bike ride (or, preferably, run), it is a loop route that brings me the solitude of nature that I am often hard-pressed to find while living among concrete and grime. At 8 a.m. on a Monday morning the […]



In Paraguay, we’d talk about the heat every day. “Haku,” we would say, “Haku itereí! Hace un calor insoportable!” we would say, as the sun beat down and sweat beaded on our foreheads. We’d pass the tereré (cold tea) around from one to another, exhausted and spent after a long day. On the news at […]