How Mission Network engages in mission

Mennonite Mission Network highlights grow out of 150 years of Anabaptist mission that seeks to present Jesus’ message in ways that it can be heard as good news. Mission Network embraces the reality of two-way mission, an understanding that one culture does not hold the whole truth to living in a way that is pleasing […]

Churches in Benin weave a gospel web

ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Mission Network) – Holistic ministry in Benin illustrates the beauty of Mennonite Mission Network’s mission model that grows out of the intention of its name – networking. An intricate pattern of responding to human need with Jesus’ love began with a 1969 conversation between a mission worker from the United States and […]

Service Adventure transforms unit leaders, too

ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Mission Network) – After graduating college, Marc Schlegel-Preheim began confronting the epiphany that a lot of 20-somethings face once they have a diploma in hand. Though he had learned much during the previous years at Goshen (Indiana) College, there was much more that he didn’t know – such as what his life’s calling […]

“Purest motivations” sustained 38-year teaching ministry in Congo

ELKHART, Indiana (Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission/Mennonite Mission Network) – Anna V. Liechty, 101, died May 7 at Swiss Village Retirement Community in Berne, Indiana, where she was a resident. She was ahead of her time in mission strategies, and her kindness and integrity are two frequently mentioned characteristics when people describe her.  Many of the Mennonite […]

Top 5 memories from Colorado Springs

​In Service Adventure, participants form their faith and grow in servant leadership while living in community. Below, the Colorado Springs unit describes their top memories from the past year.  Best feature of Colorado Springs: The Rocky Mountains and the sunshine (which we get 300 days per year!) Favorite group game to play during free time: […]

Value and potential, within a child’s reach


​Value and potential, within a child’s reach In the middle of Bontleng, Botswana, was once a playground with colorful plants, swings, and shiny new slides. Over the years, the flowers were trampled into dust, the swings broke, and rust took over the slides. The space was crisscrossed with people coming and going to the barber, […]

Alan F. Kreider’s fire for Anabaptism burns on

​BERLIN, Ohio (Mennonite Mission Network) – Former mission worker, scholar and speaker, Alan Kreider, was known for his mentoring spirit that ignited contemporary Anabaptism in the United Kingdom and beyond.   Alan Fetter Kreider was born Nov. 8, 1941, to Carl and Evelyn (Burkholder) Kreider. He died at age 75 on Monday, Mar. 8, 2017, […]

Top 5 memories from Albuquerque

​In Service Adventure, participants form their faith and grow in servant leadership while living in community. Below, the Albuquerque unit describes their top memories from the past year.  Our location: We love the mountains, sunrises, and sunsets.  As well as being part of a city that boasts unique Native American art, beautiful architecture, jewelry, music […]

Video: Building church leaders in Peru

​Christopher is a teenager who has grown up in the Mennonite church in Iquitos, Peru, and has responded to the invitation to give back. At 16, he now is a vital part of the children’s ministry in one neighborhood of the city. He has found that he has something to give these kids, and doesn’t […]

Ready to serve throughout 2018?

​Opportunities are open NOW to begin serving in August! Mennonite Voluntary Service seeks passionate young adults who want to make a difference in the lives of others. Applicants will have the opportunity to explore their vocation, grow in their faith, and live in community with peers. Don’t delay and miss out; check out the positions […]

French Mennonites learn courage and resilience from refugees

​I tried to convince our mayor to welcome a Syrian family. We live in a little village. I read somewhere that if every village would welcome 0.01 percent of its population, we could help our country do what it should do: welcome a few thousand immigrants. This meant three or four people for our village. […]