Legacy churches experiencing transformation

Jessica Schrock-Ringenberg

​Jessica Schrock-Ringenberg is the disturber and equipper (apostolic prophet) on the Collaborative Ministry Team at Zion Mennonite Church. She gave a talk titled, "Legacy churches experiencing transformation" at a plenary session during the Sent 2018 Conference.

New energy—An interview with Hendy Stevan

​Hendy Stevan received an unexpected invitation from his senior pastor—to pack his bags, leave his Indonesian home and bring new energy to a congregation in New York City.

U.K. Anabaptist Theology Forum explores legacy of MMN worker Alan Kreider

​BROMSGROVE, England (Mennonite Mission Network and Eastern Mennonite Mission) — Participants at the Anabaptist Theology Forum applauded when former Mennonite Mission Network worker Eleanor Kreider walked into the conference room in Barnes Close near Birmingham, England. Some considered her a spiritual mentor or close friend; others had never met her, but had been influenced in some […]

Shaping servant leaders of the church

Service Adventure

Mennonite church pews may be looking a little grayer in recent years, but Service Adventure continues to form young adults’ faith and to connect them to the larger Mennonite Church. In Service Adventure, participants live and serve in a community. They grow their faith by participating in worship nights and a local Mennonite church, and […]

Eight things I’ve done wrong on LinkedIn

​Eight things I’ve done wrong on LinkedIn (and you probably have, too) I wasn’t on it. I was a latecomer to all social media (Facebook class of 2013) and LinkedIn especially. LinkedIn seemed boring and unnecessary and anything that could POSSIBLY venture into self-promotion territory made me want to stab myself in the eye. Plus, […]

Annual Colombian camp participation on the rise

​ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Mission Network) – Surrounded by the lush beauty of the Colombian highlands and with damp ground under their feet, Mennonite youth came, in record numbers, to their annual youth camp. Jan. 5-8, 90 young adults and leaders traveled to Cachipay, the birthplace of Iglesia Menonita de Colombia, IMCOL (Mennonite Church of Colombia), […]

Global disciple and teacher

​ NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) – C. Norman Kraus, who served as a long-term mission worker in Japan, died Apr. 6, 2018, at Sentara RMH Medical Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia. He was 94. Norman and his wife, Ruth, served in Japan for six years through Mennonite Board of Missions, a predecessor agency to Mennonite […]

SOOP unit celebrates 25 years of service in Phoenix

​NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) – From Feb. 23-25, the Menno Guest House in Phoenix opened its doors to dozens of veteran SOOP volunteers, returning for the 25th anniversary celebration of the Phoenix SOOP location. The weekend celebration was marked with volunteer opportunities at partner organizations, sightseeing tours, as well as ample time for storytelling […]

Service Adventure partners with Mennonite Disaster Service in South Texas

​NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) – On March 25, participants, leaders, and their director joined Mennonite Disaster Service’s (MDS) work in South Texas. The project marked the first time in the history of the Service Adventure program that participants from all units across the country were able to meet in one place to work and […]

Growing relationships between urban and rural communities

NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) – Akiko Aratani and Raymond Epp had decided to give five years to Menno Village. Five years to help start a Christian community in rural Hokkaido, Japan, on land purchased by nearby urban churches. Five years to use the land to start a farm rooted in the idea of community […]

Easter in San Antonio, a SOOP reflection

Will you let me be your servant,let me be as Christ to you?Pray that I may have the graceto let you be my servant, too. We are pilgrims on a journey,we are trav’lers on the road.We are here to help each otherwalk the mile and bear the load. I will hold the Christ-light for youin […]