Networking for introverts: 8 things to think about

You’ve probably heard the trite old saying, "It’s not what you know; it’s who you know." It might not surprise you, then, that according to most estimates, 70 percent of all jobs are obtained through people you know. I can personally attest to that statistic as I am part of that 70 percent. Several years […]

Reconciling the clouds


​Many ask us, "How are you adjusting as you move back and forth each year?" We often answer, "Fine." But my more thoughtful response is reflected below: Imagine that you’re seated in a fiberglass canoe, floating on a coffee-colored river that parts the thick forest on either side of you, only days after engaging in […]

Beginning young adulthood with service

​When people ask me about my time in Service Adventure, I’ve got my quick answer down pat: "I lived in Anchorage, Alaska, with a group of five young people ages 18-20 with a young adult leader sponsored by the local Mennonite church, Prince of Peace.  I volunteered full-time with a Salvation Army homeless shelter for single […]

Sharing humanity

​I think that one of the most amazing things about humans is our ability to connect despite having radically different perspectives. In my short time and thus limited experience on this planet, I have found the value in identifying unity in humanity. As I continue to meet people from walks of life much different to my own, I’m […]

Survival Day covenant signed in Australia

​NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) – Some Australians celebrate Jan. 26 with parades, fireworks and barbecues. But Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples call Australia Day by another name: Survival Day. All recognize the date as the anniversary of British proclamation of sovereignty over the land now known as Australia. It was on this day […]

Appreciation for mystery and diversity grow during 30 years in mission

​ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Mission Network) – Linda Oyer first traveled to France to buy drugs in 1970. It turned out to be a lonely place for a young woman in knee-high moccasins and an army jacket with a black-fist logo.  Dejected, she phoned a missionary couple in Paris, friends of her parents. They told her […]

Mennonite Church USA to focus on planting new peace churches

​(Mennonite Church USA/Mennonite Mission Network) — Through a new "Learn, Pray, Join" initiative running until April, Mennonite Church USA will highlight the work of planting peace churches taking place in collaboration with Mennonite Mission Network, a Mennonite Church USA agency. "Anything that’s alive should show signs of growth," said Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Churcch USA. "Church planting […]

Integrity on the mind

Last year, I took an English composition class. Toward the beginning of the class, I was assigned an essay with the writing prompt, "What trait do you want to cultivate this semester?" I chose integrity – and I have been thinking about cultivating integrity ever since that class. One of the dictionary definitions of integrity is “the […]

Love crossing borders

​My parents were folks who demonstrated love to all.  Because they demonstrated love, it continues to live on in our family’s lives. Through their love we were taught to welcome or acknowledge "the stranger." If we avoid strangers or even people we despise, we risk opportunity to witness Christ. As we reduce our speed, anxiousness, […]

Mennonites in Burkina Faso and Nigeria celebrate anniversaries

​HAMPTON, Virginia (Mennonite Mission Network) – More Mennonites worship in Africa than on any other continent. In this epicenter of Anabaptist witness, Evangelical Mennonite Church of Burkina Faso and Mennonite Church Nigeria celebrated anniversaries last November.  An entire weekend of festivities attracted guests from around the world for both occasions. Mennonite Church Nigeria celebrated their […]

Life’s mission questioned, transformed

​After I took an African Literature course, I had a 19-year-old’s arrogance to think I could be of use in Africa. I went to Paris, France, for language study in preparation for a Mennonite Central Committee assignment in Chad. But then war broke out.  I became acquainted with students at Foyer Grebel. This hostel for Africans […]

Mission worker in the Congo shared suffering, broadcast gospel

ELKHART, Indiana (Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission/Mennonite Mission Network) – Charles E. Sprunger, 86, died Jan. 9 at Dock Woods Community of Lansdale, Pennsylvania. Sprunger served in what is now Democratic Republic of Congo with Congo Inland Mission (CIM) from 1957-1972. The name of the agency changed to Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission in 1975. During much of his […]