Discover the face of God in the city or on your screen!

NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — If your church or family group is looking for a service opportunity this summer, whether on the ground in cities across the U.S. or on the computer screen across your kitchen table, DOOR Discover is ready for you! DOOR (Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection) is now accepting interest […]

Pandemic pivots bring positive results

​To mark the first anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mennonite Mission Network writers sought reflections from global partners and workers. Below is the fourth and final reflection in a series on how the pandemic has invited communities to receive God’s grace for seeking new ways of doing ministry. Here are the first, second and third stories in the series.   Deb […]

Moving from Servant Projects to Service in a Box

Service in a box (request a kit) NEWS RELEASE NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — Revamping Servant Projects into "Service in a Box" for Mennonite Church USA’s first hybrid Convention (virtual and onsite) means that MennoCon21 participants won’t need to attend the in-person events in Cincinnati, Ohio, to engage in a service opportunity — often a […]

God’s with-ness shapes missional leader

​NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — As a computer science student at Penn State University, Mike Sherrill had no idea that a meeting invitation would reprogram his spiritual journey. Sherrill responded to an invitation to the International Christian Fellowship (ICF) one Friday evening. There, the Holy Spirit uncovered the well of living water for the […]

Let us be Easter people

​For the next fifty days, between Easter and Pentecost, we are in the season of Eastertide. Now we are called to be "Easter people." What are "Easter people?" With Easter joy, we should drawn near to Jesus and ask what needs to be resurrected in our own hearts.  The four accounts of Jesus’ resurrection offer […]

Sacrifice of love

Artículo en español ​ This Good Friday meditation comes from Devocionales 2021, a book of devotionals produced by the Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL, Movement of Anabaptist Women doing Theology from Latin America). The daily devotionals can also be found on the Libro Devocional MTAL Facebook page. "He is the […]

Relationships grow in soil of quarantine

​Note: To mark the first anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mennonite Mission Network writers sought reflections from global partners and the agency’s Church Relations department. Below is the third in the series of how communities, through God’s grace, are pivoting into fresh ways of doing ministry. Follow these links for the first and second reflection […]

Staying to behold

​Looking at the scriptures with an eye toward mission. Joe Sawatzky shares a Missional Meditation titled "Staying to behold." It is based on the Revised Common Lectionary  for April 4, Easter Sunday. While Peter and the beloved disciple went home, Mary stayed at the tomb—and became the first to behold the resurrected Lord.  John 20:1-18  Thank you for […]

Holy Week: Follow the Calling of Jesus

As Women’s History Month winds down, let’s remember that roughly one-third of those listed in the Martyr’s Mirror are women – clearly demonstrating the central involvement of women in the Anabaptist movement.  During Holy Week, let us remember to keep our focus on the salvation directly in front of us, and not to stray from […]

No face-to-face? Connect in cyberspace!

​Note: To mark the first anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mennonite Mission Network writers sought reflections from global partners, workers and the agency’s Church Relations department. Below is the second in a series of reflections on how the pandemic has invited them to receive God’s grace in pivoting into new ways of doing ministry and […]

Remembering Roberta: Let her legacy live on

​"I can see the hand of God all through my whole life up to this very minute.  I wish to give credit to whom credit is due." — Roberta Anna Morgan Webb Roberta Anna Morgan Webb was born to Goings and Helen Wilder Morgan on January 7, 1889, in the deeply segregated rural farm community of […]

Waiting for the Lord?

​What does it mean when the bible says "wait for the Lord?" Executive director Mike Sherrill finds the Japanese translation useful. Machinozomu (待ち望む), the combination of two Japanese characters, means wait and hope. We are not without hope as we walk through the unknown and struggles of this pandemic. Sherrill says that we must trust […]