Anabaptism at 500

Anabaptism at 500

On January 21, 1525, a small group of Christians gathered in Zurich for a secret worship service to avoid the prying eyes of Zurich’s authorities, who were already cracking down on dissenters from the established Reformation. They renounced infant baptism and performed voluntary adult baptism — a life-changing promise to follow Jesus’ path. 
Following this gathering that marked the beginning of the Anabaptist movement, missionaries played a pivotal role in the evolution of Anabaptism, significantly influencing its theology, spread, and survival — culminating in establishing Anabaptist communities throughout the world. Learn more.

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Anabaptism at 500 events


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23mayAll Day01junYouth Venture to ZurichAnabaptism at 500: Looking Back to See the Future and Global Youth SummitEvent Type :Anabaptism at 500

29may8:00 pm8:00 pmMennonite World Conference 500: The courage to loveMultiple locationsEvent Type :Anabaptism at 500


23mayAll Day01junYouth Venture to ZurichAnabaptism at 500: Looking Back to See the Future and Global Youth SummitEvent Type :Anabaptism at 500


08julAll Day12Follow Jesus 25Mennonite Church USA ConventionJoseph S Koury Convention CenterEvent Type :Anabaptism at 500

22jul(jul 22)4:00 pm24(jul 24)4:00 pmEarly Anabaptism in Global Perspective ConferenceElizabethtown CollegeEvent Type :Anabaptism at 500


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