About Venezuela

In Venezuela Mennonite Mission Network relates with the churches of the Asociación Civil Red de Misiones Menonita de Venezuela through a partnership that includes Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia and Central Plains Mennonite Conference.

Venezuelan church leaders share principles of Anabaptist Christianity like community and nonviolence in ways that are very attractive in Venezuela today. In the midst of political and economic upheaval, the churches’ positive message, work for cooperation and peace in the schools and communities, and ministries of compassion bring hope.

While the churches and ministries continue on Isla Margarita where this conference began, work on the mainland now includes the formation of church communities, study centers and ministries. Prayer, study and reflection lead to ministries of compassion and social action, with a stated objective to: “Proclaim the Gospel of Peace throughout the cities of the central region of northern Venezuela seeking commitments to non-violence, peace, reconciliation and social action as concrete expressions of our way of following the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Currently serving

Service opportunities

Ministry partners

Venezuela stories