About Peru

In Peru, Mennonite Mission Network relates with the Iglesia Cristiana Menonita del Perú in Iquitos.  This church developed through the ministry of mission workers from the Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia (IMCOL) and local initiative.

Mission Network’s involvement began through an invitation from both the ministry team in Iquitos and the Missions Committee of IMCOL to visit in 2016. As they work with children, adolescents and youth, the ministry team has welcomed youth and young adults from other countries joining them in these ministries.

The church in Iquitos centers their work in four zones of Iquitos (Rumococha, Putumayo, Isla Bonita and San Juan), leading activities with children on a weekly basis, sharing with them God’s love and care, often including meals together. The church serves nearly 300 children a week. They also work with adolescents and youth, offering music, art, English, and discipleship ministries, while preparing them to become the leaders in working with the children.

Iquitos is the capital of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, it is completely surrounded by rivers, including the Amazon. There is no land access, so the only way to get there is by air or by navigating the rivers.

Currently serving

Service opportunities

Ministry partners

Peru stories