The Peace and Justice Support Network is proud to support "A Public Call to Protect all People". The call encourages congregations to deeply engage in the health of their local communities. The four points of the call are:
1. We will protect and support the worth and rights of all people, including marginalized persons who are targeted, discriminated against or singled out by hate crimes or state-sponsored/sanctioned violence;
2. We will oppose the aspirations of those who seek U.S. global domination through the use of propaganda, inciting terror, military threats, regime change and war. We will support instead the practices of diplomacy and negotiation, which lead to peace.
3. We will support a just economic order—one that is sustainable as a servant of the people amid the changes in climate that have already begun.
4. To keep these promises, we will reach across lines of creed, class, ethnicity, race and party preference in a spirit of empathy and learning, seeking relationships of solidarity with other groups.
Denominational leaders, pastors, community activists, scholars and founders of para-church organizations have signed the Call. Among the signers are Tony Campolo, Jimmy Carter, Shane Claiborne, Ted Grimsrud, John Paul Lederach, Gilberto Perez, Gerald Schlabach, Ron Sider, Elizabeth Soto, Sarah Thompson and Jim Wallis.
Download the Call, including a list of supporters, as well as a Implementation Guide, today.