Publication: Books

Even The Demons Submit

June 2006

Continuing Jesus' ministry of deliverance

By Loren L. Johns and James R. Krabill

“Even the Demons
Submit is a real page turner. I found several of the pieces particularly
fascinating, as authors opened themselves cautiously to new
understandings, through comparison with their already espoused fields of
interest.”—Galen Johns, retired executive secretary, Indiana-Michigan
Mennonite Conference

“The Christian community has needed a book on spiritual warfare like
this for a long time. The combination of case studies, multidisciplinary
analysis of the topic, and warm-spirited dialogue makes this an
exceptionally helpful resource.”
—Clinton E. Arnold, Professor of New Testament, Talbot School of
Theology (Biola University)

Demonic oppression? Mental illness? What would it look like if
deliverance ministers, psychologists, pastors, biblical scholars,
missiologists, anthropologists, and people who have experienced
deliverance and healing were to compare notes, tell their stories, and
try to learn from one another? This book aims to reflect that
conversation and promote further conversation.

The diversity of the book is an attempt to honor the complexity of
the issue. In Even the Demons Submit, you will find not only different
points of view but also different kinds of material. Some essays are
articulated with scholarly care, and others are reflections from a
pastoral heart. There are stories and case studies. Some of the
contributions are intensely personal, and others step back to offer a
larger perspective on the matter.

If you are looking for a simple how-to manual, this book is not for
you. If you are looking for an easy answer, this book is not for you.
But if you want to participate in conversation about the hard and holy
work of partnering with God in the battle against evil, you will find
much to ponder here.