Camp Mennoscah is a year-round facility for family and church gatherings, summer youth camps, and retreat programming. Work projects available include weekend hosting of rental groups and churches; kitchen assistance during summer youth camps; general maintenance for buildings, vehicles, etc.; grounds keeping (mowing, trimming, watering, maintaining landscaping); and custodial and housekeeping duties. Volunteer help is needed throughout the year. Tasks will vary based on season. Some main camp facilities do not have air-conditioning, but the office/retreat center, apartment, bunk houses, and house are air-conditioned. For lodging, there is a house or a 2-bedroom/1-bath apartment with kitchenette. RV hook-ups (electric only) are available, with a bathhouse nearby from spring to fall. SOOP workers are welcome to take meals in the dining hall when the kitchen is in use during the summer. Otherwise, meals are on your own, although Camp may be able to assist with groceries.