Living out our calling together
A message from Marisa Smucker, Interim Executive Director
At Mennonite Mission Network, we believe that all our activities should be rooted in our shared calling. Engaging with cultures and contexts in a constantly changing world makes us look at how we live, as individuals and as a community, in mission.
Missio Dei #22 — Walking Together in Mission states that our mandate as the church is derived from the calling and sending activity of God:
- God sent the Son, Jesus, into the world.
- Together, they sent the Spirit.
And now, in turn, God sends forth the church, to bear witness to the reconciliation God is making possible through Jesus Christ.
From this reading of God’s word, we understand that the church — the global faith community — is the primary way God offers grace, joy and peace to the world.
Mission Network’s core purpose is to complement this call. Our organization exists to lead, mobilize and equip congregations to join God’s reconciling work: to share God’s healing and hope throughout the world. We walk as a mission community, partners, personnel, supporting congregations, donors and prayer
partners. Together, we are sharing all of Christ with all of creation.
Marisa Smucker
Interim Executive Director