Publication: Peace Sunday

Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world


June 2013

Peace Sunday 2013

Wars and rumors of wars, drone attacks, mass shootings—the headlines of the day confirm that violence continues to be our culture’s favored reaction to conflict. But the tragic headlines don’t tell the whole story. Violence is written into our entertainment, our recreation, our politics. Violence isn’t an act or action—it’s a worldview that gains adherents through fear and propaganda.

This year for Peace Sunday, we look to Romans 12 for a picture of an alternative worldview, the worldview of peace and reconciliation that Jesus proclaimed. Citizens of God’s kingdom seek to love enemies, forego revenge, and overcome evil with good.

The apostle Paul encourages us in Romans: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world.” What does it mean not to conform to the pattern of violence so prevalent in our culture and national projection of military power? How can that pattern be overcome by good in our nations, our communities, our homes?

The cycles of violence that yield destruction are birthed by the powers and principalities of the world. God’s mission to bring peace and healing in the world relies on communities of men and women being faithful to Jesus and to each other, working for peace in countless ways, large and small. When these communities come together to seek God’s will, the world can be transformed.

The materials for Peace Sunday are a collaboration between the Peace and Justice Support Network, Mennonite Central Committee U.S., and members of Mennonite Church USA communities. We invite your community to join us in discerning together what it means to not be conformed to the pattern of this world, and instead join in God’s mission of peace through Christ.