Global communities of peace

Latest news and stories

South Africa Pilgrimage
By Jennifer Murch
South Africa
Pastors and Leaders Conference
Just Peace Pilgrimages
By Joani Miller and Andrew Suderman
South Africa Pilgrimage
South Africa Pilgrimage
Service Partners
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Mission Workers
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At an MTAL gathering in Central America

Furthering God's love and mission for the world

Being a peacemaker does not require any special abilities, just will and desire. This identity and intentionality of making peace with God and others permeates every part of life: home, work, schools, communities, and nations. A peacemaker seeks shalom with all people and all of creation.

Participate in God's mission

Join us in serving God’s mission by praying, giving or serving others.

Current projects include providing sanctuary to vulnerable immigrants on several continents, peacebuilding training in Africa, India and Latin America; and sharing human respect and dignity through workshops in church planting and women in leadership.

​2023 Youth Venture participant Zahria Elliott
​Dionisia Rodriguez

I was placed in a nonprofit organization that serves refugees, and I found myself falling in love with the work and the people. I also really like San Antonio and all the opportunities that it has to offer young people like me willing to do service. I am very happy to stay with my placement organization and work with them for this amazing cause.

My year of serving with RAICES through the MVS program strengthened the idea of the importance of helping populations that need assistance as well as my desire to go into law. I became more aware of both the rewarding aspects of the work and the arduous, difficult parts in a legal position.

Service programs